How do I write a contract for ownership?

"Dear Sir, I have come up finally with a situation regarding a contract for ownership. Do you have any templates as I've never used a physical "written up" contract before. I've just collared my boy(s) and that's been enough but I was intrigues by the request so I thought I would ask someone more knowledgeable. Any guidelines would be appreciated. Thank you in advance."
Hello fellow Master,
Yes. I have one with @bredbeta​. I won’t share that contract word for word but I will copy some ideas for stuff to go into it. Here are some ideas we built into it:
  1. Defining terms - We wanted to make sure that terms like cheating were defined. We wanted to discuss what was and wasn’t acceptable.
  2. What’s acceptable - We wanted to make sure we discussed what is and isn’t acceptable with punishments, interactions with people outside the relationship, and so forth.
  3. What does it look like to have outside sex - Since an open relationship is part of our model we had to define that too.
  4. What are we? - We wrote a short description of our own relationship.
For my boy and me, I felt the more we defined up front, the less we could trip over later. Neither of us would hear “well I didn’t know that’s what you meant”.
So with that said, here are some parts you might use in your own contract.
  • Official relationship definition:
  • Responsibilities to each other:         
  • SIR: 
  • boy: 
  • Mutual responsibilities:
  • Chores:
  • Cheating is:
  • Punishments that are ok:
  • Punishments that are not ok:
  • Acceptable and unacceptable titles to be called?
  • What is the schedule for check-ins?
  • Public play?
  • When do you step out of roles?
  • Collar or clothing rules?
Lastly, we defined nothing to shove in one another’s face should anything go awry, but instead defined so that both sides said what each point meant to them and to hash out these concepts so we’d both have talked them through. Hidden expectations can be a thorn in the side of any Sir/boy relationship.


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