
Showing posts from January, 2019

I'm having trouble getting in touch with my younger sub.

I own a handsome young beta who is a perfect fit for me. He can take a rough pounding like a champ. Honestly, not many guys can. But this younger generation doesn't use email. It's hard to get ahold of him. I'm not ready for an ultimatum. Thoughts? I find your question a bit confusing. You say you own this boy and he’s a perfect fit, but then you go right into not being able to get a hold of him and talk of ultimatums. An ultimatum is not a solution I hear often proposed for problems when two people fit together as well as you describe. How long have you owned him for? What does he say about you not being able to contact him? Does he make excuses? Does he not say much nor seem to care? Does he have a good reason for not being available at will? Did you both consensually agree to ownership and go through a ceremony? Did you talk about what it means to be...

Can I be trained to enjoy pain?

Can pain be trained/taught as a pleasure? I mean I feel pleasure being slapped and spanked, but there is no pain in what I enjoy. I find masochism very arousing but I don't think I could bear a whipping session. What an excellent question! To directly answer your question, in my personal opinion (because I could find no answer I felt was definitive), no. I don’t think someone can be truly taught pain as pleasure. I think that some people are wired for it and others aren’t or don’t have an open enough mindset to try it. I have a few friends with some chronic health problems who are into the BD of BDSM. Having experienced so much pain throughout the course of their life they cannot imagine taking any kind of pleasure from it. For that matter, I know many who are blessed to lack such issues and can’t see ever desiring pain. I think that pain is something you hav...

I need help with my gag reflex!

Hello, SIR. I hope you're having an amazing day. I have a question about my gag reflex. I want to be able to have Men fuck my throat like they do my ass. And I want them to be able to shove in deep to cum or piss if they want without me ever gagging. I feel like if they have a big dick I tend to shy away since I feel like I'm not good enough of a fag for them by not being able to take it to the root. Can you please instruct me on the best method to overcome my inadequacies? First off, there really are men whose dicks simply will not fit in your throat no matter what you do. Throats and dicks all come in different shapes and sizes and something COMPLETELY filling your throat or stretching it is bad news. That said, it is ok to take a gauge with your mouth and see if it fits rather than just eye the dick. As for the gag reflex. I try to be compassionate of submissives when I respond. Dominants ask a...

My daddy wants to bring a FTM into the relationship what do I do?

Please help me Sir! My Daddy wants to bring a FTM into our hierarchy. I am not happy about this, but want to be respectful to my Daddy. What should I do? I will do the best I can to offer help, but there’s a lot of missing info. Feel free to answer any of these questions What kind of hierarchy is this? Are you at the top of the submissive part of your hierarchy? Was this action being undertaken regardless of your wishes? Why are you unhappy about the addition of this submissive? I find it interesting that the new person is referred to by you as a FTM rather than a submissive. What are your concerns around this person being an FTM? Are you concerned because your Daddy expressed a desire for all three of you to play? Are you concerned about what it means about his sexuality or perhaps you have concerns about competing because that submissive offers something you literally cannot? I don’t know the answer to those questions, but if you haven’t considered them take a moment to do ...